How to Delete Account on Temu Step By Step Guide 2024

Do you want to delete your TEMU account? Because of Privacy reasons you no longer wish to use it and you want to permanently delete TEMU account.

Don’t worry here I will guide you on how to delete your Temu account permanently.

In this blog post, You will get a step-by-step guide on how to delete the Temu account on Android, iPhone, Computer, and Mac users.

How to Delete Account on Temu
How to Delete Account on Temu

How to delete TEMU account on Android

Follow some simple steps, and you will delete your Temu account on Android/Tablate

  1. Unlock Your Android Moblie 
  2. Open the Temu app Then
  3. Click on  you option
  4. Scroll down and tap on Settings
  5. In the top left corner tap on Account Security
  6. Scroll down and tap on Delete Your Temu Account
  7. Checking the Box “ I want to permanently delete Temu account and all data”
  8. Now select the reason for deleting the Temu account
  9. Select any reason and tap on continue.
  10. Then click on Delete Option
  11. Next, verify your identity after verification click on continue
  12. Your account was deleted successfully.

How to permanently delete TEMU account on an iPhone

Step-by-step guide on How to delete Temu account on iPhone/iPad

  1. The first thing you need to do is to open the Temu app
  2. once you open it you will need to go to your account which is you in the middle at the bottom so click on it and
  3. then you will see a lot of options to manage your account so from here you will need to click on the settings
  4. go to settings and then click on account security 
  5. click on Delete your Temu account 
  6. so if you are sure about it click on I want to permanently delete Temu account and all data and then click on Continue
Note: Make sure that you save all the data that you might need in the future before deleting the account as you want to be able to access it.

After you delete the account if you do have an ongoing order try to delete the account after you receive the order otherwise, you won't be able to access the account to check your order details and any updates regarding it.

so basically this is how you delete your Temu account on your iPhone

How to delete TEMU account on a PC or Macbook

If you are using Temu on a laptop or computer device then follow these steps to delete your Temu account on your Desktop, Laptop, and Computer

  1. Open up your browser 
  2. Go to and then sign into your account
  3. Then click on the profile icon from the top right-hand side
  4. Then you’ll find all these lots of options where you have to go to account security just Click on account security scroll down  and
  5. Then you’ll find the option called delete your Temu account just click on the option
  6. Then just select I want to permanently delete Temu account and all data click on the continue button and
  7. Your Temu account will be successfully deleted

This is how you can delete your Temu account On PC or  Desktop


this is how you can delete your Temu account we hope the blog post was really helpful and if it did help you then make sure to leave a Comment if you have any questions then feel free to leave them down thank you.


what happens if you delete your temp account?

Deleting your TEMU account could lead to losing stored data, personalized settings, and access to your favorite features.

does deleting a Temu account delete everything?

when you delete a Temu account, all of your data is completely removed from the system. This means that your profile information, messages, and other associated data will be permanently deleted from the platform.

how long does it take to delete the Temu account?

The Temu account deletion process may take up to 7 working days.

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